Sunday 3 May 2015

poisoning pain

Poisoning pain

Mercy be mine
Victory let me enjoy
From the clutches
The choking, deathening embrace of pain.

The coldness
The never ending torture
Of myself to myself
For allowing pain to consume me
To embrace and love me.

To let my hurt
Be poisoned by an endless,
Merciless, unfeeling pain.
To walk crippled by it
Bending as though the
A century had passed in my existence.

Crumbling to the ground
Clutching at it as though touchable.
Though it feels so, it never is
Pain of my own doing
Bigger and Stronger and Fiercer
Than any other
Pain of my intellect
Pain like no other
Deep within

who am i?

Who am I?

I am black
So I have been told
And I can see

I go to a white school
So they say
So I see

I know nothing about my culture
So they see
So I know

I have a diploma in the white culture
So they see
So I know.

Who am I?



Secret smiles
Little giggles
Whispered halo’s
Secret of secrets

Secret lies
Huge frowns
Stretched truths
Secrets of all

Secret dreams
Worlds so dark
Mountains unmovable
Secret wishes

Secret longings
Don’t mention
All that is mine
Secret of secrets