Wednesday, 5 August 2015

I am Africa

The soil of Africa flows rich in culture. The sincerity of who we are, authenticised by each other. My value defined and measured by who surrounds me.

I walk around admiring what achievements have been reached.  The children joyfully running in streets running with freedom. No fear of yellow vans, men raiding their poverty stricken homes. No fear of umunt’omdala. No fear of the night bringing with it hooded men, pillaging their mothers and plundering their fathers’ hard labour.

No fear of next door neighbours selling them out and resulting in homes being destroyed by fires meant for survival. They walk around thinking themselves grown or childhood games are forgotten; fihl’ibhande, magalobha, amagende, inganekwane nokuphicaphicana.  Intellectual games meant to stimulate the mind and arouse the imagination long left to die a slow death of technology.

I am the Africa that longs for aided elders carrying groceries, for neighbours who helped raise children  by correcting and not ukududa and ukuziba. An Africa of 3-thina and ushumpu. I am Africa.
The Africa that realises that there is a vast difference between ingane and umntomdala. That realises that an error was made in children having more rights than adults. That we have lost vital principles that were ours and ours alone “Ubuntu”

“Ubuntu” was fundamentally African yet “civilization” shifted majorities mind into eluding their miniature minds into believing selfishness is the way Africa should be.

When Africa believes, we believe with every thread in our being.  We believe the white man came to befriend us.  We believe that money was the treasure to have.  We believed  that digging for our own gold was better than planting our own food and raising our own cattle.

Yes we have faith as I, the Africa in me believes we will be an Africa of unity and Africa of Freedom  running free, an Africa of me cause I am Africa. An Africa of Kings and Queens of wisdom in grey hair, of innocence in age, of ubuhle bentombi, isibindi sensizwa. Yes my Africa in me and my love for an Africa that was and will be.

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